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Our trajectory

Learn about the main milestones in our history (organized by academic period)



  • We were established in March 2020.​

  • We started with 8 people.

  • A month later we were already 24 members.

  • We decided to give an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional character to our seedbed.

  • In April there were already 28 of us and we organized ourselves into 4 teams.

  • Between April and June, we develop 16 remote work sessions, seeking to formulate the organizational structure for our first project.

  • We execute 1 workshop on web accessibility with the leadership of psychologist Carlos Vergara, a blind person who belongs to the seedbed and did user tests with his screen reader.

  • We participate in the validation of Cre@r, a tool created by our director within the framework of her doctoral thesis. The first validation was of the general structure and 37 members of AIDUA were involved.

  • In the Gallery associated with this period, some images of our best moments.



  • Our number of members went from 32 to 59 members in the month of July.

  • We started the period participating in the series of webinars "Inclusive education in times of quarantine: What to do from home and school to promote compliance with Decree 1421 of 2017?" Watch recordings of the series at

  • We developed 36 remote meetings for the validation of digital interactive resources that were part of the Cre@r 1.0 tool, learning methodology from the role of participants (in focus groups).

  • We develop 7 remote meetings focused on the formulation of projects for 2021.

  • We participate in the 1st DUA Challenge Experience, organized by our director from the University of La Sabana. There, we not only formulated the challenges, but -also- 16 members of AIDUA were judges for the evaluation of 19 proposals made by students of said university.

  • We plan and execute the 1st International Congress of Innovation in Inclusive Education (CIIEI 2020). This, as main allies of the National Observatory of Educational Quality.

  • At CIIEI 2020, in addition to the organization of the congress and its DUA Challenge Experience, 2 members were lecturers, 5 were speakers, 2 were learders in workshops, and 3 acted as artists guests in the artistic exhibitions of the event.

  • In December, we were already 46 active members in AIDUA.

  • In the Gallery associated with this period, some images of our best moments.



  • In January 2021, we went from 46 to 58 members.

  • On January 28th we had our general meeting at the beginning of the year. It was a space to get to know each other and share progress and projections.

  • We turned everything related to CIIEI into an academic writing project shared between lecturers, speakers, workshop leaders, and members of AIDUA. This indicates that AIDUA members became co-authors of 8 international experts and 13 national experts.

  • On June 1 and 3, we developed the conversation "Nothing about us, without us": an open event led by the undergraduate in Psychology of the Universidad de La Sabana and the members of AIDUA.

  • From our project 1, we developed 8 remote meetings to strengthen academic writing processes around chapters of memory of CIIEI.

  • Since project 2, we had 11 remote meetings to advance the construction of care routes for prioritized population groups within the framework of inclusive education.

  • Since project 3, we developed 12 remote sessions to advance the foundation associated with creation of literary resources with universal design.

  • During 9 remote meetings, we raised possibilities and managed information around the formulation of our project 4. This, associated with the promotion of Colombian Sign Language through technological development.

  • At the end of June, we were 88 members in AIDUA.

  • In the Gallery associated with this period, some images of our best moments.



  • During June, we went from being 88 to forming one community of 101 people.

  • On July 8th we developed the "seminar-workshop disABILITY and Inclusion: Applicable Strategies in Various Contexts". This was organized in alliance with ONCE Colombia, SOS Children's Villages, Asdown Colombia, Aspaen, Conaced Bogotá-Cundinamarca, Minuto de Dios Educational Corporation, Carolina Colombia Foundation, Colombian Autism League, Supported Employment Network - RECA, and RedCol. In the seminar they were protagonists 11 people with disabilities, of which 8 are members of AIDUA. See event repository at

  • On August 27, 5 members of aiDUA represented us as speakers of the National Meeting for Inclusive Education: Year 4 of the Implementation of the Decree 1421 of 2017. This was developed in person-virtual mode from Barranquilla (Colombia). Additionally, several members were present or connected.

  • We participate in the organization of the event "Autism, Neurodiversity & Plainness: Knowledge and Awareness for Families and Schools", developed (in face-to-face-virtual mode) on November 12, in alliance with 8 other groups/organizations.

  • We were invited to present the seedbed as a significant experience within the framework of the XVII District Disability Forum of the Mayor's Office of Bogotá, developed (in person-virtually) on November 17.

  • On November 18, some of our members represented us at the Second Meeting of Research Seedbeds organized by ASCOFAPSI and other entities.

  • We develop the 2nd International Congress of Innovation in Inclusive Education (CIIEI 2021). In this case, of the 17 speakers and speakers, 12 are members of AIDUA. Those who presented were speakers summoned by the academic committee or their presentation was selected within the call for proposals made.

  • From project 1, we developed 4 remote meetings to advance the chapter writing co-authored with national and international experts.

  • Since our project 2, we held 9 remote meetings to advance the design of inclusive education routes.

  • Since project 3, we held 10 remote meetings focused on searching for background information associated with design of accessible children's stories.

  • In the Gallery associated with this period, some images of our best moments.



  • In January 2022, we became 112 members.

  • On February 3rd we had our general meeting at the beginning of the year. We meet, completely virtually, to facilitate the recognition of new members, share progress on projects, and discuss the projection of activities for 2022.

  • Between May 31 and June 11, we organize and participate in the series ofwebinars "Methodologies and Resources for Inclusive Education." This was organized by the Faculty of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences of the Universidad de La Sabana, in alliance with the Universidad de Alcalá (Spain) and Declic (Mexico). To access the recordings of the 7 webinars, click

  • In June, we were already 135 people those of us who made up aiDUA.

  • In the Gallery associated with this period, some images of our best moments.



  • On September 21, we held a discussion to contribute to the formulation of a bill related to the labor inclusion of people with disabilities In colombia. More than 35 members attended and the project was led by Dr. Juan Fernando Córdoba, vice-rector of the Universidad de La Sabana, and Cristobal Soto Mejía (Law graduate and member of aiDUA).

  • On October 11, with the leadership of Ricardo Becerra Sáenz and two other members of aiDUA, we developed the workshop LIVE © Sensations. This took place within the framework of the XVII of Psicosabana (called "Behavioral Sciences: Contributions to Global Challenges") of the Universidad de La Sabana. More information is
  • From project 1, at the end of the year, we managed to have 23 of the 35 chapters that will make up the memoir derived from the two editions of CIIEI

  • From project 2, we end 2022 with 5 care routes for prioritized groups within the framework of inclusive education. These routes, in an initial version (ready to move on to initial review and subsequent validation processes).

  • From project 3, we participate in the IX Research Conference of the University of La Sabana, with the poster "Literature for All: Literary Resources with Universal Design" (available at

  • We contribute with audio recordings in the design of the proposal "Unisabana: Accessible and Inclusive Campus", led by our director and winner of the Rector's Challenge "Humanizing Inclusion" (developed in 2022 at the Universidad de La Sabana).

  • In the Gallery associated with this period, some images of our best moments.



  • We start the year with 156 members.

  • We started the year participating in the webinar series "Universal Design for Learning in School Contexts", dictated by our director. To view the recordings of the 3 webinars, which are open to the public, click

  • We were invited to participate in the international specialized workshop called "Overcoming Barriers with Alternative Methods for Learning Reading and Writing". This was an in-person event, held on March 30 by a national and an international expert. Several of our members attended.

  • On February 10, we had our First In-Person-Virtual Meeting of aiDUA, with the assistance of more than 32 people in person + 40 remote participants (approx.). It was an event preceded by the vice-rector for professors and research of the Universidad d La Sabana and the dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, from which we made visible progress in each of our projects. Therefore, more than 15 of the members acted as presenters, speakers and workshop leaders.

  • On April 20, we developed the experiential workshop "Reading, Inclusion and Development" within the framework of the Bogotá International Book Fair (FILBo). More than 8 members met and carried out activities around stations that sought to publicize alternative ways of accessing literature (through pictograms, in Colombian Sign Language, through reliefs and textures, in Braille and macrotype, etc.) . This, in alliance with ONCE Colombia, DADO Diseño para Todos, and Hannu App.

  • On May 2, we held the event "ConcienTEA", in alliance with the Directorate of Wellbeing and Student Experience of the Universidad de La Sabana and the Mundo para Todos foundation. This was a wonderful day to raise awareness about autism (uplifting the voices of those with the condition and their families). For more information, visit

  • On the afternoon of May 25, we developed an experiential workshop with the name of our community and with the leadership of 3 of our members. This took place within the framework of the XVI Symposium of Basic and Applied Psychology, organized by the Universidad de La Sabana and the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Tunja.

  • On May 25, we participated in the webinar "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Recognition and Intervention in Family and School Environments", which -in fact- included the participation of a member of aiDUA as a guest speaker. It was an event held in alliance with the Universidad de Manizales and Raisen Tribu. The recording can be consulted at

  • We continue to support the ventures of more than 7 of our members. Examples are: Ricardo Becerra's universal design consultancy, Javier Casella's venture (Hannu App), the independent work of Janeth Peñaloza and Claudia Fuentes, and the now "Mundo para Todos" foundation (directed by Daniela Moncayo). 

  • we had 9 synchronous meetings around our projects. This, in terms of general project meetings, since our current organization involves independent connections by subgroup (and thus we advance in particular commitments that we later socialize together).

  • In the Gallery associated with this period, some images of our best moments.



  • Since project 2, we expanded our scope with the creation of a subgroup in charge of creating the inclusive education route in cases of intellectual disability.

  • From the General Directorate of Research of the Universidad de La Sabana, we were invited to be part of the institutional piloting of the tool Microsoft Viva Engage. Our community will create its profile on this platform and we will provide evidence regarding its effectiveness.

  • Since August, we have promoted the participation of 4 members of aiDUA in the construction of items for a test from the Government of Uruguay that allows assessing the skills of future teachers for inclusive education. This, from advice requested by said country to the Government of Colombia (from the ICFES).

  • On September 12 we began our transversal training series titled "Artificial Intelligence Tools at the Service of Our Projects", which takes place on a Tuesday every 15 days and is exclusive for aiDUA members. It is intended to present free useful tools for information management (for example: Elicit AI, Perplexity AI,,

  • As of September 13, 2023, we are 189 members committed with the promotion of accessibility, inclusion and Universal Design for Learning.

  • In the Gallery associated with this period, some images of our best moments.

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